CHARTER OF DUTIES Charter of Duties: Scientific examination of Forensic exhibits, reporting of crime cases and deposing court evidence. Crime Scene Management. To provide high quality and on-time Forensic Science Services to the Criminal Justice Delivery System and technical supportand assistance to Forensic Institutions in the States and Union Territories. To undertake Research & Development in various areas of Forensic Science for strengthening Forensic Services by utilizing financial grants and Fellowship Schemes for intramural and extramural R & D schemes. To develop new technologies and create new scientific knowledge to assist the Criminal Justice Delivery System. To establish linkages with National and International Scientific, Technical and Forensic Institutions and Universities for cooperation through Transfer of Technology, Skill Development, Exchange of Scientific Personnel and Sharing of Information. To disseminate and promote knowledge in the field of application of Science and Technology by supporting/organizing Awareness programmes, Symposiums, Seminars, Hands on Workshops and National/International Conferences and To promote Quality Assurance and Quality Control in forensic testing.