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       Charter of Duties:

  • Scientific examination of Forensic exhibits, reporting of crime cases and deposing court evidence.
  • Crime Scene Management.
  • To provide high quality and on-time Forensic Science Services to the Criminal Justice Delivery System and technical supportand assistance to Forensic Institutions in the States and Union Territories.
  • To undertake Research & Development in various areas of Forensic Science for strengthening Forensic Services by utilizing financial grants and Fellowship Schemes for intramural and extramural R & D schemes.
  • To develop new technologies and create new scientific knowledge to assist the Criminal Justice Delivery System.
  • To establish linkages with National and International Scientific, Technical and Forensic Institutions and Universities for cooperation through Transfer of Technology, Skill Development, Exchange of Scientific Personnel and Sharing of Information.
  • To disseminate and promote knowledge in the field of application of Science and Technology by supporting/organizing Awareness programmes, Symposiums, Seminars, Hands on Workshops and National/International Conferences and
  • To promote Quality Assurance and Quality Control in forensic testing.