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Biology Division: 

  • Devi Shankar Suman, Kshitij Chandel, Yi Wang, Kailash Chandra and Randy Gaugler , “A membrane and blood-free approach to rear adult Aedes albopictus ” Acta Tropica , 2020, 76(6), 2105 – 2112.
  • Khalida Nazeer and Soma Roy, “Identification and Individualization of Blood from burnt cloth debris”American Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (Submitted)


Documents Division:

  • Sujay Saha, Ashok Kumar Barik, Kana Bala Jena, “Challenges in Forensic Detection of Forgery  by Disappearing Ink ” International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 9 (10), 2020.
  • Bhakti Pad Mishra, Naulak Lian Paite, Sandeep Kumar Pathak, Sanjeev Kumar, Vishnu Dev Yadav, “Examination of Printed Matter (toner) vs ink strokes : a case study” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 7 (4), 2020, PP No. 330-338.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Bhakti Pad Mishra, Sandeep Kumar Pathak, “Study of Identification Characteristics of printed and photocopied documents produced with modern inkjet & toner technologies” Problem of Forensic Sciences, Volume 124, 2020, PP no. 269-286.
  • Bhakti Pad Mishra, Sanjeev Kumar, Vishnu Dev Yadav, Sandeep Kumar Pathak, “Forensic examination of unaccustomed handwriting in Hindi script- A case study” Indian Police Journal, Volume 67(4) 2020, PP No. 53-58.     


Explosive Division:

  • S. Bagchi (Chattaraj) and S.C. Lahiri , “Investigation analysis of IED blasting Manipur” International Journal of current Research


  • “Critical examination of ANFO like pre-blast improvised explosives with and without DNT from ion chromatography, fluorescence and Gas Chromatography, Mass spectrometry measurements and determination of the relative percentage of different isomers of DNT in the explosives” Canadian Journal of Forensic Science (Submitted)


Toxicology Division:

  • Rupender Kumari, Mahipal Singh Sankhla, Vindresh Mishra, “Simultaneous determination of nine elements and statistical comparison of elemental contamination in cocoa-chocolate based, milk based and fruit flavored candies” Journal of Food Science and  Toxicology (Submitted)


